Public Relations

Marketing With Meaning

Marketing With Meaning: Tips on How to Make an Impact on Your Target Audience

Marketing has undergone some dramatic changes in recent decades. It’s no longer enough to build your marketing campaigns on the core values of quality and affordability. Today’s consumers want more than just a terrific product at a great price. They also want meaning and relationship. They want to support businesses whose values they feel align

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Top 5 Influencer Marketing Tools to Improve Performance

5 Influencer Marketing Tools to Improve Performance

Social media marketing has taken many companies by storm, and now many are looking for the best ways to invest their marketing budget. Marketing through social media influencers has been giving outstanding results across the board. However, some businesses are still struggling to make the most of their marketing efforts. In this post, we will

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Digital Agencies Expectations for 2022 Marketing Trends

Digital Agencies Expectations for 2022 Marketing Trends

Digital marketing is far and away one of the most important parts of succeeding in business. Without being able to reach and engage with new customers, your business will struggle to grow. You need to reach the right people, so you can show them why your product or service can provide them value and help

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Social Proof: Use Testimonials

How to Build Big-Time Social Proof to Increase Conversions

Social proof is one of the many ways to increase brand trust and boost conversions. You’ll absolutely need it to help you establish a better connection between your brand and your target audience, especially if you’re running an ecommerce business. Social proof comes in many shapes. Many business owners find it tricky to figure out

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Content Marketing Playbook - Why and How

Content Marketing Playbook: Why It’s Important and How to Create One

Many organizations both small and large have their own Content Marketing Playbook. They may also have several different forms or names for the playbook, such as a Content Marketing Strategy, Style and Messaging Guide, or simply a Marketing and Communications Strategy. Regardless of what each individual organization calls their document, it is integral for their

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Branding Guest Post Feature Image

5 Ways to Promote Your Brand Message

Even if you’ve done the hard work of developing or improving your brand message, it’s not enough to simply paste a mission statement onto your About page and call it a day.  Marketing research has given us “The Rule of Seven.” This rule asserts that a prospect needs to see or hear your message at

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Return On Now 2019 Awards

2019: Year of Accolades for Return On Now

Our primary focus on the blog is to educate, assist, offer new ideas and tips, analyze industry trends, etc. Today, I want to take a time out to highlight some great news in our world. Return On Now was originally founded in 2009. Yes, this means our 10th anniversary is later this year. We’re almost

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Influencers are influential because of their communities - Brian Solis

The Do’s and Don’ts of Influencer Marketing

Focusing your marketing strategy around influencers can be an effective way of quickly gaining exposure for your brand. But what exactly is an “influencer?” An influencer can be considered anyone who has an impact on the way people think or feel about things. When they have this characteristic coupled with a loyal online following, the

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