buyer personas

8 Facts About Building Links

‌How To Optimize Link Building By Understanding Your Audience’s Mindset

To succeed in the modern Internet environment, your website content needs to be both timely and engaging. When it comes to SEO, forget about algorithms and keywords. If you really want to success with both ranking and engagement, be sure that what you’re offering speaks to your audience’s mindset. You can greatly improve your organic

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Content Mapping Guide: 7 Reasons Every Online Business Needs One - Three (3) Stages of the Buyer's Journey

Content Mapping Guide: 7 Reasons Every Online Business Needs One

As a business, if you find yourself marketing your product to the wrong audience, you might as well talk in an empty room. We are no longer in the era of broad, generalized content and marketing campaigns. The key to taking your online business to the next level lies in knowing your audience. By doing

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Crowdcast SaaS Pricing Page: Annual Payment Incentives

Anatomy of a High-Converting SaaS Pricing Page

According to statistical data, there are more than 25,000 SaaS companies operating globally in 2022. Moreover, these organizations cater to a combined total of approximately 14 billion users. And last but not least, total SaaS market revenue is expected to reach (and possibly surpass) the $208 billion mark by the end of this year. So,

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How to optimize ecommerce conversion rates using the right lead generation funnel

How to Optimize eCommerce Conversion Rates with the Right Lead Generation Funnel

Ecommerce has been on the upswing for several years now, boosted even further by the Covid-19 restrictions on brick and mortar businesses. Many of us were forced to stay home all day, every day. Even avoiding trips to the grocery store. Meanwhile, online stores because a must for people across the country. Now that Covid-19

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Software-As-A-Service SaaS Content Marketing FEATURE IMAGE

SaaS Content Marketing in 8 Easy Steps

Content marketing for SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) can be challenging. However, you can still get great results with the right approach. You’ll need thoughtful planning to spell out simple steps that you and your team can follow. In this post, I will show you eight easy steps that you can use to improve your own SaaS content

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Sample Persona: Ethan

How to Build Buyer Personas

Are you just starting your journey into the world of marketing? If so, you may not know about audience and buyer personas. And that’s okay. When just starting out, you have to heavily focus on building an audience and providing services they will want to buy. Don’t worry if you have no idea where to start.

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Does your marketing strategy keep the customers in mind?

How to Determine If Your Marketing Strategy Is Built With the Customer in Mind

Sometimes, a company’s marketing strategy can stray a little bit from its mission. In an attempt to target as much of the market as possible, many companies end up forgetting about the customers that already make up their consumer base. In other situations, their marketing strategy may not have enough information about their customers. In

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Value of Data Analytics

Five Ways Effective Data Management Helps Boost Ecommerce Sales

E-Commerce is poised to continue growing, but it comes with certain challenges. How do successful E-Commerce Businesses stay ahead of their competition, which has never been tougher than today? Here is where data management for your business comes into play. A few simple tips and tricks can help businesses build a unique brand and draw

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