Content Marketing

DiSSS - Tim Ferriss Framework for Accelerated Learning

Meta-Learning: Accelerated Learning For Accelerated Times

Today at the South By Southwest Interactive Conference, I had the privilege of catching Tim Ferriss (author of The 4-Hour Workweek)  present a session about Meta-Learning. What is that? Essentially, it is the idea of “accelerated learning for accelerated times.” We all know that the world is moving fast these days, blazingly fast in fact. This

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New Return On Now Website Hosted on WP Engine

New Site Live on WP Engine – Just in Time For SXSWi!

Today, I am excited to unveil a brand new website for Return On Now. This redesign has been in the works for some time now, and we are happy to have it live in time for this year’s South By Southwest Interactive Conference (SXSWi). The new site is improved in many ways, several of which

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Social Media Policy - The Why and How

Social Media Policy: The Why and How

Social media continues to grow in use and acceptance. Meanwhile, it is becoming more complicated. Let’s look at the rationale for rolling out a social media policy within your company. Social Media Complication Brands are especially impacted by growth. Once companies expand beyond 50 or 100 employees, new problems enter the picture. For example: Social Media for

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Marketing: Top 5 Free Tools Small Businesses Tend To Ignore

Today we bring you a guest post from Celina Rodger of Dialed-In Local. In this post, she covers some near obvious ways to promote a small business, all of which are often overlooked for various reasons. When it comes to business, one of the most important rules is that you need to spend money to make

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biggest threat to content marketing is crap content

Content Marketing or Content SPAM?

Content marketing has become every marketer’s favorite topic in the past year. And for good reason. The benefits to your site SEO and overall traffic volume, as well as the fodder for social media sharing and conversations are well documented. It is also rather well known that more frequent generation of content is better. This

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Building Links In a Post Penguin World from Austin SEO Meetup

Today, I presented to the Austin SEO Meetup about the Google Penguin Update. It was a lively session with a lot of questions and feedback afterward. For those of you who missed it, here is the overall agenda we covered: What is Google Penguin? What Websites Did Penguin Impact, and Why? How to Google Proof

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Video SEO: Four Ways to Optimize Videos for Organic Ranking

For several years now, videos have been well accepted as tools to help your website rank better. However, there is a widespread lack of understanding about exactly what must be done to make it work properly. This post covers the four most important items to include in your Video SEO checklist. Self-Hosted Videos Opinions vary

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Reality Check: Stop Obsessing Over Your Site Ranking

There are many great SEO Analytics Platforms on the market today, names such as SEOmoz, seoClarity, Conductor, Brightedge, and more as the list grows every year. Another one of the leaders is Raven Tools. A couple of weeks ago, Raven announced that they are dropping their ranking reports from the product. This is at least

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