SEO / Search Engine Optimization

5 Not-So-Obvious Reasons To Use Guest Posting To Build Your Brand

Enjoy today’s contributed content from professional guest blogger Mason Cameron. There are many ways to get traffic to your website, and they all have their positives. Because there are so many options, you need to decide what will work best for you. It’s possible to spread yourself too thin and see no benefit at all […]

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Google SEO Guide: Self-Help Resources Online

SEOs come in all shapes and forms. Some of us are full-time professionals focused on every single facet of SEO. Of course, with Google leading the pack by a mile in North America, it’s the most important search engine to optimize for. Not to discount Bing or Yahoo, but they account for less than 20% of

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3 Tips for Building a Strong Online Presence

The following guest post has been contributed courtesy of freelance writer Becky Wilcox. She covers some basic items to keep in mind when working to build out your overall presence online. Take one look at practically any sector of business these days, and it becomes increasingly clear just how important the Internet has become in

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5 Reasons To Hire a Freelance SEO for your Search Marketing

If you own and manage a website, which all businesses should do these days, you need to be sure it is properly written, configured, and optimized for the search engines to crawl and rank it. There are multiple options for handling your SEO: Put in the time to learn it yourself and hope for the

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Visual Content, Link Earning, Explainer Videos, and more | Return On News

It has been close to two months since I’ve shared anything via Return On News, so let’s take a break from the normal flow of posts to look at some interesting content I’ve curated to Twitter lately. If you like what you see below, please follow our two Twitter accounts: Tommy Landry and Return On Now! Return On

Visual Content, Link Earning, Explainer Videos, and more | Return On News Read More »

Five of the Most Despicable Online Marketing Techniques

Enjoy today’s guest post from Tom Koh. Tom is an SEO enthusiast who runs his own internet business and is sharing some of the more unattractive SEO ploys he has run into during his time doing so. SEO can sometimes have a bit of a bad reputation. While good SEO is of course a perfectly legitimate

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7 Must-Have Plugins for WordPress

The content management system (CMS) landscape is beyond fragmented. There are literally hundreds (possibly thousands) of CMS options available. My personal favorite is WordPress, the CMS platform we use for the Return On Now website and blog. It is also the most frequently used blogging platform today. Plugins: Why They Matter Bloggers love WordPress for

7 Must-Have Plugins for WordPress Read More »

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