Instagram Social Media Marketing 2019

5 Instagram Trends Defining Social Media Marketing in 2019

Since its inception in 2010, Instagram has grown exponentially. The app now takes pride in having more than one billion active users monthly, according to a recent report.

These numbers suggest that the platform is becoming more attractive for companies and brands. Their first priorities are to find out whether or not Instagram marketing can help forge closer connections with their target audiences.

According to leading experts, 2018 wasn’t all positive for this video and image-based social platform.

Just like with other giant social platforms, Instagram’s algorithm was an enabling factor in their growth. However, in some cases, it promoted harmful content.

In response, Instagram has adjusted its guidelines to prevent further criticisms. These steps positioned it in a more responsible and favorable light.

While the platform may free of the controversy its parent (Facebook) is suffering through, there are essential things you should understand before you indulge in marketing your brand on this platform according to Caffeinated Projects.

Here are some of the top trends in Instagram marketing that your business should take into consideration when aiming to weave it into your social media strategy.

1. Augmented Reality Stories Filters

Highly interactive content is one of the best ways to successfully promote your products.

Instagram offers a program that allows chosen third parties such as brands and celebrities to create an augmented reality filter for their Instagram Stories.

What does this mean for your business? Instagram users can help in spread your brand message via a branded custom filter.

This is a fantastic tool for advertising products and promoting brands on this giant social network.

2. Instagram Growth Tools

No matter how well thought-out and robust your social media plan might be, you still need to compete with bigger brands

These giant players in your industry are using specific growth tools to attract more likes, followers and other forms of desirable engagements.

Therefore, you should also choose tools that can help your brand attract more real Instagram followers.

Focus on attracting real people who will be interested in your brand and products.

Remember, millions of irrelevant followers will never be of any help when it comes to converting these fans and followers into buyers and/or brand advocates.

3. Overall Influencer Authenticity

It is not all that difficult to acquire a large number of followers if you want to do so. But followers along are insufficient.

But when interacting with influencers, brands need to pay close attention to authenticity in their messaging and approach.

Professional influencers like PianoHunters are individuals with real fans and followers who are interested in their content.

It’s important to note that a true influencer has actual influence over their followers and target audience.

Before you choose to work with a particular influencer, take the time to research them.

Get to know more about their social media influence beyond just the fan and follow numbers or the overall number of likes on their posts.

Aim to determine whether or not these individuals are getting your desired level of engagement.

Find out whether or not the audience cares about the particular influencer and his or her opinion(s).

Get to know the different brands they may have collaborated with before. Ascertain how those marketing campaigns performed.

Generally, you should focus on establishing whether or not the influencer is genuine.

Experts recommend using tools such as Social Bakers to help identify outstanding Instagram influencers.

This tool helps score them based on location, audience, and the type of influencer they are, based on their specific interests.

4. Buying Direct on Instagram

A few years ago, if you wanted to promote or sell a product on Instagram, you were supposed to advertise it on that social platform.

Then, your target audience would have to click on a link to purchase from your e-commerce platform.

Now, particularly with the new shoppable feature from Instagram, your target audience can purchase products directly from the platform. This makes it easy for app users to purchase from you.

The shoppable feature — and other shopping-related features on Instagram — will continue to grow in 2019 and beyond.

By now, we are all aware that Millennials and Generation Z simply need a higher level of convenience for nearly everything.

They want to purchase everything online. These younger generates will even buy on social networks such as Instagram, Facebook, Messenger, Snapchat, and other similar platforms.

5. IGTV and Vertical Video

These days, most users like to share videos on Instagram. This trend is what makes IGTV one of the most exciting features on the platform.

Instagram is an image and video-based platform. It was specially created for vertical video playback, which means it is ideal for mobile-only videos.

Instagram announced thi new and exciting feature in 2018. In case you aren’t familiar with the IGTV, it is simply a platform that lets users watch long-form videos (vertical ones) from their favorite Instagram creators.

Instagram users are no longer confined to 60-seconds videos. Instead, they can create and share videos that are up to an hour long.

Though there is a specific app designed for this purpose, Instagram users can still watch these long videos using the Instagram app itself.

This is exciting news for brands. It enables them to share their specific brand message with over a billion Instagram monthly users.

This feature can be used to create highly engaging and lengthy videos with your specific products and brand message. You can highlight particular services or products, as well as their benefits or uses.

You can also create and share videos regarding events, or that simply focus on informative content for your target audience.


2019 is an exciting year for both brands that use Instagram platform for marketing, as well as the Instagram user base.

Each day, the giant social network is rolling out updates that present better marketing options for brands and better overall experiences to other users.

Feature Image Credit: CC 0; Public Domain. Feature image sourced from MaxPixel.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions stated in this post are that of the author, and Return On Now may or may not agree with any or all of the commentary.

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Ric Dean

Director at Caffeinated Projects

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