Future is Video FEATURE IMAGE

Video Marketing Statistics 2019 [INFOGRAPHIC]

Video is the future.

As available bandwidth grows enough for us to transfer ever larger amounts of data at lightning speeds, video will take off as the ultimate medium of the future.

Video has an immediacy. It tells things as it is. Video excites like no other.

If you are watching sports you get right in the action, witnessing footage of those impossible basketball shots.

Video brings you closer to the real-life experience in news and entertainment.

Right now, video has taken on even more significance as it brings people together in cultural conversations.

You see this trend happening on YouTube and elsewhere on various social media.

Brands and marketing strategists know the power of video for their campaigns.

Right now, a huge part of the internet is still print copy, as opposed to multimedia, as evidenced by the large amount of blog posts, white papers and other content on the web.

If the current trends hold up, people will be transitioning to video in droves. And the internet itself will become video-centric.

Cisco Systems projects that 82% of internet consumer traffic in the US will be video content in a few years.

Marketers know well of the demand and need for video. And they have the statistics and studies to back it up.

Video has become one of the most popular and effective digital marketing strategies. As a result, it has also become the focus of many internet marketers.

Right now, 87% of companies use video as a marketing tool — nearly 9-out-of-10!

On the entire digital landscape, video is just behind social media as top mediums for business-to-consumer marketers. Videos are effective and can deliver outstanding returns on investment if employed optimally.

Nine-in-ten marketers have landed a new customer from a social media video.

Also, nearly 75% of consumers can be convinced to download or purchase an app after watching a video.

The brain is hardwired to understand videos. Because of this, your target audience will take less time to understand messages via video.

Videos tell great stories. Our brains and sensory perceptions love it. There is no doubt that videos are here to stay.

As humans crave for more visual and moving content, videos will surely be in ever growing demand.

Businesses will have to keep up, especially as marketing takes on the power of video content.

The power of telling stories through visual communications inevitably catch more hearts and minds, making it a potent force in the marketing game.

Why The Future is Video Infographic

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Infographic and feature image provided by author under his / her own license.

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Salman Aslam is the Founder & CEO of Omnicore, a leading Healthcare Digital Advertising & Marketing Agency helping clients across the globe. You can follow him on Twitter for tweets and rants about latest news, tips and advice on digital marketing.

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