7 Proven Types of Content That Are Proven to Boost Conversions

7 Unique Content Types Proven to Boost Conversions

Creating content has never been more difficult. We have already seen everything, read everything, listened to everything. Someone somewhere has created something along the lines of what we want to create.

However, the trick to creating high-converting content these days is not so much in being original to the point of reinventing the wheel. It’s about providing true value to our readers and adapting different content types to best suit our needs.

Content Types that Convert

Let’s look at seven of these unique content types and how they can help you grow your brand.

A Case Study

We will start with an obvious example of a high converting content type: a case study.

The obvious benefit of writing up a case study is demonstrating your expertise. Through it, you can prove to your audience that you are knowledgeable in your field, that you can be trusted to solve their problem, and that you have some experience in the industry.

However, execution is where most brands fail with this simple content format.

The key to writing a good case study is demonstrating how you are able to solve a problem. Not how a problem can be solved.

A good example to look at is AMZ Pathfinder and their case study on ROAS. This post is all about how the tool can help you achieve something. It will instantly make readers think, “I want that for myself, too.”

Ahrefs are also masters at this kind of post. Take a look at the “Data and Studies” section of their website for even more inspiration.

A Q&A-Style Case Study

Another great way to execute case studies is to do interviews with clients or customers. This is essentially a mashup of user-generated content, a case study, an interview, and a success story. It’s a fantastic opportunity to demonstrate your expertise yet again, brag a little, and provide an entertaining read.

A great example to review: this customer success story from Real Thread. While it’s essentially a chat with a client, it’s also a blueprint for success – and a very interesting post too.

An Infographic

Sure, infographics were done to death at one point. Nonetheless, they’re still great vessels for interactive content, and they can sum up a lot of topics nicely.

Their main attraction lies in the fact that they summarize something in a nutshell. Infographics are much faster reads than actual posts on the same topic. Plus, they are much more shareable and could very well go viral.

To make your infographic a success, first choose a topic that matches your brand’s interests and niche.

Then, add stunning designs and illustrations to make your infographic visually appealing to your audience. And if you need custom illustrations for your infographics (or brand), you can hire illustration companies to do the job for you.

Here’s an example from Truity on matching personality types and careers. It’s useful, well-executed, and on-brand.

Something Interactive

Your audience will also like to engage with your brand. If you can provide an interactive piece of content for them to enjoy, you are very likely to boost your conversion rates.

Yet again, the key is in finding a topic that you can turn into a quiz, for example, that matches your brand’s ethos and your readers’ interest.

The challenge will also lie in coming up with questions that are telling enough to provide useful results that would pique their collective interest.

This kind of content is easily generated on blogs. As an example, here’s a dog breed quiz from Dogs Planet that’s a bit of fun, which also helps visitors figure out which breed they should welcome into their home.

When doing something similar for a brand, you can help users figure out which of your product or service they need or how best to execute a task using one of your products they already have. Here’s a good example from Warby Parker.

A Podcast

Video is often considered the most popular content form, but podcasts are just as interesting and conversion-boosting.

Instead of having to read a blog post, your audience can enjoy a podcast while they are commuting, driving to see friends, running, or even showering.

This provides more touchpoints with them, plus a unique opportunity to cover the same topic in different formats. As a result, you’ll be cutting down on your content production time and costs.

This podcast episode from Ad Badger is a good example. They’ve been doing them for quite a while, and the fact that you can access them from the website is a great bonus, as the brand itself is the owner of the content. There’s no middleman platform.

Address a Burning Question

You should also do your best to cater to your audience’s needs by answering the questions they are googling.

“Answer the Public” is a great way to source these questions. Or you can do a Google search yourself and see what comes up in the “People also ask” section.

Medical Alerts Buyers Guide has done this very well. They found a topic that is certainly of interest to their audience, which they can answer with a high level of confidence.

A Garden-Variety Blog Post

Finally, you should also still do some regular, garden-variety posts: Posts that target a keyword you can rank for, posts that are interesting to your readership, or maybe posts in which you just have something to say.

As long as any given blog post provides value and is on brand, it doesn’t have to always fit under a major content strategy. It can simply be a good read.

Final Thoughts

While all of these content types will help you boost conversions, you may not have the resources to produce every single one of them.

Consider which would benefit you the most, and and balance that with what you think will most interest your audience. Start with the content types that fit both of those considerations.

As your brand grows, so will your marketing budget. With more budget, you’ll be able to produce more content types over time.

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Catherine Palmer

Catherine is a designer, marketer, and writer. Business success, management, and growth in this digital age are topics Catherine is quite interested in lately. She has been researching and learning for some time now, and she is always happy to share her knowledge and inspire others by writing some quality content.
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