PPC Stats and Trends for 2019 FEATURE IMAGE

Pay-Per-Click Demystified: A Snapshot of PPC Advertising in 2019

Whether you’re new to online marketing or a seasoned marketer, one thing is abundantly clear:
learning is a constant in this ever-evolving industry.

We’re not even halfway through 2019, and there have already been several new updates to Google’s search algorithms. Influencer marketing has seen a shift to mainstream marketing, for example.

According to Forbes, we anticipate significant growth in features like voice search and AI (artificial intelligence) heading into next year.

First things first though. If you’re new to Pay-Per-Click Advertising altogether, here’s a simple definition:

PPC is an online marketing strategy that employs the use of ads and capitalizes on user search and browsing behaviors.

Basically, marketers craft ads designed to draw attention to a brand and product.

The ad is then run on a social media platform or a search engine, where it is shown to users based on its relevance to their search or browsing activities.

And the vendor only pays when a click happens. Hence the term “pay-per-click.”

What makes it so effective?

  • Efficient lead generation: PPC represents about 17% of the market share for all types of marketing lead generation.
  • Pinpoint precision targeting: With good keywords, PPC is a low effort, highly effective manner of reaching the right audience for businesses.
  • Better conversion rates: The definition of a good conversion rate depends entirely on the industry you’re doing PPC in. Overall though, a Formstack report revealed that PPC performs well with respect to conversions, topped only by organic website conversions and email marketing.
  • Faster sales generation: Paid search gives your ads priority and prominence over normal results, as pointed out by well-known marketer, Neil Patel. This gives businesses first dibs on potential user purchases.

As any experienced PPC marketer will tell you though, the benefits, the risks, and all the inner workings of PPC as a strategy run way deeper than this.

Read on for a hefty serving of facts and statistics and a detailed perspective on PPC and its current state in 2019.

PPC Stats and Marketing Trends for 2019 [Infographic]

Feature Image provided by the author under his or her own license.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions stated in this post are that of the author, and Return On Now may or may not agree with any or all of the commentary.

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Nick Galov

Head of Content and Community Manager at HostingTribunal.org
Nick Galov is Head of Content and Community Manager at HostingTribunal.com. With years of experience as a frontline support and system administrator, Nick wants to improve the web hosting industry as a whole. Through impartial reviews and detailed case studies, he helps people find the most suitable hosting provider. In the rare moments he unplugs from the digital world, Nick enjoys hiking and cycling.
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