Video Marketing Strategies

Video Marketing: 5 Easy-to-Follow Strategies

When you start a new business, you’ll need to invest in your marketing strategy. This is how you can ensure you align with what’s currently working in the market.

Therefore, research what your competitors are doing and what your customers engage with. Doing this will give you relevant information to inform your marketing strategy. 

Video marketing has become one of the best ways to reach customers, build your brand, and generate quality leads.

As a result, more businesses are embracing video within their marketing and sales strategies. 

As a startup, you’ll need a consistent strategy to get the best from video marketing.

This is especially true for building a following and gaining visibility.

Video Marketing Strategies to Adopt

Here are five easy-to-follow video marketing strategies for your startup. 

1. Teach Your Customers to Use Your Products or Services

To appeal to your target customers as a new business, start by showcasing how your product or service works.

Tutorials and demos help you educate your customers and also build trust.

Most customers love to see products in action before comfortably investing in your offering.

Demos allow customers to compare features and ease of usage before deciding whether it is the right product for them.

You stand to benefit greatly from creating videos that show customers why to select your products and how to use them.

As you do this, always remember to include how your customers will benefit.

Consider what problems you might solve for customers, and then highlight how your product or service will help them solve those problems.

If you focus on the customer, you’ll be able to stand out among the competition.

This is how you can position yourself as the product of choice when they have a need for what you are selling.

2. Showcase Your Business “Behind the Scenes”

How do you run your business? What are the behind-the-scenes of your startup like?

Prospects and customers like to know more about the people they do business with.

And video marketing is the best way to show them what happens “behind the scenes” at your startup.

With this type of video content, you can introduce your internal processes and the incredible people behind your products or services.

This is a great way to showcase your brand personality and appeal to the right customers with whom it will resonate. 

Remember to include your company culture, different processes, and most importantly, your products or services.

With the right content and presentation, this video marketing strategy will help you nurture customers who identify with your brand and influence their future purchases. 

3. Include Customer Testimonials in Your Storytelling

There’s no better way to get potential customers to buy into your brand than to showcase the positive comments that your previous customers have made about you.

Therefore, you should include the experiences that your customers have with your products or services in your videos. 

Highlight your customers’ specific problems and how your brand helped solve them.

Back up your claims with testimonials illustrating exactly how your products or services helped them become satisfied customers. 

Your storytelling skills will come in handy here.

You’ll need to show potential customers that you understand their struggles and that you can help.

You’ll find that video marketing content which nails the storytelling and includes testimonials is very persuasive in converting prospects into purchasing customers.

4. Rely on User-Generated Content

User-generated content is a great video marketing strategy that saves you time and allows you to showcase your products from your buyer’s perspective.

You should expect most of your user-generated content to come from being tagged on social media platforms. 

When this happens, take advantage of it.

Showcase how your customers are using your products or services and how it’s benefiting them.

User-generated content is a great way to build trust with potential customers.

It lets them know that your products deliver on your brand promises.

Additionally, prospects are more likely to move further to consideration when they can see someone with a similar problem having solved it using your products.

This strategy will help you build your brand and generate more leads for your business.

5. Produce Your Video Marketing Content in Series

Videos have the potential of going viral and fizzling out unless you are more intentional with your video marketing strategy.

Therefore, you should have a programmatic budget set up.

This will help you stay on track and consistently produce video content will benefit your business and your customers.

Consider including series or shows as a strategy for your video marketing efforts.

Not only can series of content help generate a consistent flow of materials, but it will also help you to build authority and trust in the market.

Additionally, you will stay top of mind when customers think of investing in your products or services.

The best part about creating video content in series is tapping into a wider pool of potential customers. 

You can run content that caters to the different stages of the buyer’s journey, allowing you to meet them where they are.

Therefore, you’ll have access to buyers in the awareness stage, consideration stage, and decision stage. 

You will find that video series are great as well-rounded approaches to video marketing, particularly if you’re aiming to appeal to a range of different customer segments.

Remember that viral video content does not necessarily convert the millions who see it into paying customers.

Invest in consistently nurturing your ideal customers, and you’ll achieve your goals.

Tips to Maximize the Potential of Your Video Marketing Strategy

Define Your Video Marketing Goals In Advance

Speaking of goals, you want to spend time defining what those are before you even think of starting to execute on video marketing content. 

As a startup, your goals may vary from those of a well-established business.

Some of your objectives may be building brand authority, generating leads, building a following, or making your first 100 sales.

You need to ensure that you define your goals clearly beforehand.

Then use these goals to look back and evaluate success later in the process.

Invest in a Quality Videographer

Your video marketing strategy should feature quality videos that your audience will value and enjoy.

Videos are visual by their very nature and medium.

Always create them with quality in mind.

If you want to get the best possible quality, consider investing in a quality videographer.

You want to maximize your impact and appeal with your target audience, so bring in a professional if you aren’t already trained in how to do so.

Measure Your Progress

Rely on analytics tools to help you see how your videos perform.

Actively track whether they produce your desired results.

Then refer to your goals to see how effective your video marketing strategy has been in light of where you hoped it would take you.

If you are failing to meet your goals, you can tweak your message and include a more explicit call to action.

Or perhaps you need to take a more persuasive tone with your message. Execute, analyze, adjust, continue.

Optimize Your Videos

To help you with visibility, you’ll need to rely on SEO.

When you optimize your videos for search engines, these videos will appear on important SERPs for specific keywords that your customers are searching for.

This is an excellent way for potential customers to find you, consume your content, and buy your products.

Conclusion: Video Marketing Works

If you haven’t tried video marketing strategies yet, why wait?

With the proper approach and a disciplined process, you too can benefit from the hottest medium in marketing this year.

Just be sure to set your goals up front, test, measure, and adjust.

Sooner or later, you’ll figure it out and see your revenues increase over time.

Feature Image Credit: Pixabay Free for Commercial Use License

Disclaimer: The views and opinions stated in this post are that of the author, and Return On Now may or may not agree with any or all of the commentary.

This guest post brought to you courtesy of Return On NowProfessional Austin SEO and PPC Services Company.

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Melissa Waltz

Independent Writer
Melissa Waltz writes blog posts and articles for a wide variety of sites, from SEO agencies and online marketers to startup entrepreneurs and eCommerce websites. She aspires to keep her readers engaged and invoke curiosity while delivering solution-based content. She has prior experience working with magazines and e-commerce establishments as a content marketer and editor.

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