Suzanne Hoenig

Suzanne Hoenig is a strategist and writer helping small businesses, nonprofits, and private practitioners craft their marketing copy, grow their online and offline community, and navigate the changing tides of social media and digital content marketing.

Newsboy Freddy Doesn't Want to Be Jacked, Man

Why You Shouldn’t Newsjack

I don’t care what David Meerman Scott says. (If you don’t know, he wrote the book on newsjacking. Literally, wrote the book.) Thou shalt not newsjack. Thus have I spake. Before we talk about why you, specifically you — no offense — shouldn’t newsjack, let us first invoke the Internet’s favorite corollary to the Golden

Why You Shouldn’t Newsjack Read More »

Case Study B2C Hashtag Contest

Case Study: A Successful B2C Hashtag Contest

#Yogais Case Study: Executive Summary An internationally renowned, very esoteric nonprofit, the Himalayan Institute, is a yoga and meditation retreat center. This case study summarizes how they successfully garnered attention, expanding their niche audience through an integrated online and in-real-life hashtag contest. The face-to-face component of this campaign educated and engaged a somewhat reluctant staff

Case Study: A Successful B2C Hashtag Contest Read More »

Content Marketing Mistakes

The Biggest Content Marketing Mistakes You Might Be Making [Expert Roundup]

We reached out to content marketing pros across the interwebs and asked them to riff on the theme of content marketing mistakes: “In the middle of 2015, what are you seeing content marketers do that they shouldn’t? Or not do that they should?” Their comments build on each other, reminding us of how to address content marketing mistakes via

The Biggest Content Marketing Mistakes You Might Be Making [Expert Roundup] Read More »

Should a small business bother with social media or not?

Should Your Small Business Bother With Social Media?

Sure, you’ve missed out on some stuff, but it’s still early days. With social media, the pace of change has been breathtaking. But with the increasing adoption of mobile, devices, and smartphones; virtual reality; augmented reality; artificial intelligence; tectonic shifts in social norms around things like the sharing economy and creative class; Millennials displacing Boomers

Should Your Small Business Bother With Social Media? Read More »

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