Social Media

Market to Customers Online on Their Terms, Tommy Landry, Return On Now presentation to SCORE Austin

How to Market to Your Customers Online … On THEIR Terms

Do you market to your customers online as a primary source of demand and lead generation? All businesses are different. There are entire industries that can exist without a website or extended web presence. But for most of us, we HAVE to market to our customers online. That’s where they are, and where they want […]

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Lead Generation vs. Demand Generation: The New Sales Funnel by Joseph Jaffe

Lead Generation vs. Demand Generation

All too often in conversations with clients and colleagues, I hear the terms “Lead Generation” and “Demand Generation” used interchangeably. Of course, once you start asking more questions, it becomes rather easy to delineate between which of the two they are really talking about. But the issue remains that too few of us understand the differences

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Social Media Policy - The Why and How

Social Media Policy: The Why and How

Social media continues to grow in use and acceptance. Meanwhile, it is becoming more complicated. Let’s look at the rationale for rolling out a social media policy within your company. Social Media Complication Brands are especially impacted by growth. Once companies expand beyond 50 or 100 employees, new problems enter the picture. For example: Social Media for

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