AI-Optimized PPC Campaigns are available on Google Ads

Ultimate Guide to Creating #PPC Ad Copy for B2B

One of the key goals of any successful business should be getting its products/services in front of the right audience. It is no surprise then that advertising is a necessity for many companies.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) ads empower companies to reach their target audience with maximum control.

This article will cover the ultimate guide to creating successful PPC Ad copy for B2B. If this is your goal, keep on reading.

What is PPC for B2B?

PPC is an excellent medium for B2B marketers, because it allows businesses to advertise short and specific content to target audiences. With the aim being to motivate them to visit their site and hopefully convert.

With PPC;

  • Businesses only pay the ad platform when users click on the ad.
  • Ad platforms make use of a fast auction system to determine when your ads show up in search results.
  • Your ads get visibility even without having to rank organically for any specific keyword.
  • You can carry out inbound marketing by creating more value for your business.
  • It is more cost-effective than most other kinds of B2B marketing advertising.

How to Create Successful PPC Ad Copy for B2B Campaigns

1) Use Short-Form PPC Ad Copy

If you want to build effective B2B ad copy via PPC, you’ll need to take a creative approach. Each individual component of the ad has character limits to which you must adhere. The rule of thumb is to keep it short yet precise.

Specific requirements for ad copy on Google Ads includes;

  • Headlines: up to 30 characters
  • Descriptions: up to 90 characters

And that’s more generous than social platforms, where shorter is always more effective. You will often be best served to limit all copy to 1-2 sentences on those platforms

Because of the limited ad copy length, you have to be strategic in how you craft your copy. Some quick tips on how do to so:

  • Use as much informative content as possible in your PPC Ad copy
  • Make sure everything is direct, objective, and short
  • Hook your audience in from the very beginning

2) Get the Writing Approach Right

With those tips in mind, you’ll be ready to write the actual copy for your PPC ad.

The objective of any successful ad copy is to grab your audience’s attention and encourage them to take action on your ad.

So, be sure to maximize all the features that the ad platforms offer so you can achieve your advertising objectives. For example;

  • With most ad platforms (like Google), you can create multiple ads in one group. By doing this, you can target different segments of potential customers.
  • Many ad forms also offer a variety of ad formats from which you can select what best fits your goals (video, text, display, etc.)
  • Be sure that the cop you do write for a B2B audience is worded in a way that will come across as relevant when tthey view your ads.

Here are some best practices to follow when creating copy:

  • Use primary keywords in one of your headlines
  • Focus on the benefits your offering provides
  • Include relevant ad extensions such as call, location, callouts, etc. when applicable
  • Add statistics in your headline – this will appeal to more data-centric searchers and can help differentiate your offering from other ads on the SERP
  • Include social proof whenever you can to improve CTRs

3) Integrate Calls-to-Action (CTAs) into your Copy

Be sure to include CTAs, because they are a great way to get business decision makers to follow through to a conversion once they land on your website or landing page.

How can you craft a good CTA? Keep it short, concise, and straightforward, with a clear request to your target audience. It is supposed to encourage and motivate people to carry out specific actions after they click the ad itself.

Here are a couple of examples of good CTAs:

  • If your goal is to increase sales: “Shop our special offers now.”
  • If your goal is more website visits: “Visit our website for more information.”

A solid CTA allows you to target a specific audience with an offering they are interested in, which in turn will make them more likely to click on your ad. In fact, we recommend never writing PPC ads without CTAs – always include one.

4) Target Specific Segments

Segmentation is essential in targeted marketing, so it should be no surprise that it is a key part of your PPC copy.

Segment your audience according to their similarities, demographics, professional backgrounds, geography, age, gender, lifestyle, etc. so you can create a copy according to the different segments. Diverse segments will react differently to content, so your ads will be more effective with segmentation taken into account up front.

5) Create Ad Copy With Numeric Data In It

Data-driven marketing is gaining speed in the marketing world, and for a good reason. Your audience will like seeing data, because it can show them what you’re trying to communicate, as opposed to telling them what they stand to gain by taking your offering.

While there is no set rule for what numeric data to add in your PPC ad copy, try to make it as personal as possible. If you understand your market well, you’ll already have an idea of what data might resonate with them.

6) Track Performance and Review Approach

Lastly, it is vital that you begin to track your performance immediately after you publish your ad copy. Because PPC ensures that businesses only pay when the audience clicks, a high clickthrough rate will mean that your PPC ad is successful. Hopefully your landing page is well optimized so you can close that valuable conversion once they arrive there.

Don’t overlook the obvious learning experience: a low CTR highlights when your ad texts are not working right. In that situation, you’ll need to craft new ad copy to test against what is failing to work.

Once you have tracked your ad, the next stage is to use the data you get from your ad tracking to review your ad approach and refine it moving forward.


Creating good B2B ad copy for your PPC efforts will help you grow your business, reach your business goals, and even utilize your resources wisely. It is an excellent investment for any business looking to scale up.

If you take note of the tips in this post and work hard to get relevant CTAs in front of your target audience, you’ll see good results sooner rather than later.

Feature Image taken as a screenshot example from the Google SERPs.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions stated in this post are that of the author, and Return On Now may or may not agree with any or all of the commentary.

This guest post brought to you courtesy of Return On NowProfessional Austin SEO and PPC Services Company.

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Dominic Beaulieu

Dominic Beaulieu is an expert writer who specializes in creating various training and professional upgrade courses, materials and manuals. He mainly writes on development, digital marketing, design, business strategies, etc. This breadth of specialization allows him to write expert columns on the most pressing topics in today's society and to specialize in creating writing reviews in Pick The Writer and Writing Judge.

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