Facebook Live for Business

7 Ways To Use Facebook Live For Your Business

Streaming on Facebook Live became a hot trend during 2018, and continues to this day​.

It can be scary if you’ve never done it before. But like with most things in life, the more you do it, the easier it will become.

And with Facebook Live videos being watched​ ​3x more than non-live videos​, your business can’t afford to miss out on this opportunity.

It’s worth doing, too. Facebook Live engages your audience right where they are, gives you a chance to answer their questions and solve their problems right on the spot.

It lends your business more authenticity and credibility – this is who you are, in the raw, taking the time out to interact with your customers. But how do you go about using Facebook Live for your business?

7 ways to use Facebook Live for Business

1. Go Behind The Scenes

People are inherently curious. We want to know how things work. We want a glimpse into the real lives of the businesses and celebrities we love.

And we’d love it if our favorite business gave us access to behind the scenes LIVE footage.

There are a few reasons why you’d go behind the scenes. For one thing, showing the inner workings of your business can be enough to finally establish trust in your business from a customer who was up until now a bit skeptical.

A behind the scenes tour also gives some of your followers the chance to learn a few things that they could implement in their own business.

Finally, going behind the scenes shows people that you’ve got nothing to hide, and that you’re a transparent business who wants to interact with their customers.

Going behind the scenes is easy for you to do, too. Instead of constantly coming up with new ideas for something to broadcast, you can instead just document what your business does on a daily basis.

2. Promote An Event

Got a live event coming up? One of the best ways to create a buzz is to announce details via a Facebook Live video.

This Live video shouldn’t be too long. Spend a bit of time promoting the Live Video – “big announcement coming today!” – and then use the live stream to discuss your upcoming event.

Share a link to the event in the comments and use the video to generate some excitement. Ask for engagement – likes and comments from anyone who’s interested in coming along.

3. Hold an FAQ

Your customers will have questions about your business, products and services. They’ll probably have ​lots ​ of questions. Some questions might have already been answered on your FAQ page but a lot won’t.

Moreover, new questions crop up all the time.

Although there are other ways to ask questions, such as email, customers like quick answers. And there’s no quicker way of getting their questions answered than by ​Facebook Live​.

Hold an FAQ on Facebook Live

Remember, if customers are to buy from you, you need to address their biggest concerns.

Use Facebook Live to field questions and​ ​position yourself as the expert​ who’s able to resolve them with detailed, satisfactory answers.

4. Stream an Interview

Invite an expert in your field onto your Facebook Live, hold an interview with them and then ask if your audience has any questions.

You’ll see that savvy marketers like Gary Vaynerchuk, Grant Cardone and Tai Lopez are doing this all the time.

Stream an Interview on Facebook Live

This is a great way to use Facebook Live because you get engagement from your customers ​and your guests customers.

Plus, provided that your guest has lots to say, you’re giving your audience an immense amount of FREE value and this is so important for building credibility and trust online.

5. Stream a Live Talk

Got a talk coming up? Don’t restrict it to the handful of people who have paid to come and see you – stream it to your Facebook followers, too.

Remember, if your Facebook page is to stay popular, it has to offer lots and lots of value. Streaming one of your public talks is one way to do this.

It’s a case of killing two birds with one stone. You’re out there, working, and you’re also keeping your social media channels busy.

Ask someone to film it and get another person to manage the comments. Encourage engagement and interaction in the comments to keep people tuned in.

6. Stream a Lesson

Again, this is all about value. You’re giving a lesson totally for free, but the ROI over the long term will be huge.

People want to learn. They want to be educated, and they turn to experts in a particular field – which should be you – to teach them things.

The more knowledge, wisdom and practical advice you share, and the more you ​engage with your audience​, the more you will be able to position yourself as an expert.

Then, customers will trust you and will want to buy from you to learn even more.

7. Tease a New Product

Lastly, if you’ve got a new product ready to be released, use Facebook Live as a way of teasing it and building a bit of excitement.

Stream at least a week before, and make the stream relevant to both your product and audience.

You can even host a few customers that received an early bird purchase of your product and have them give their review live on the stream.

Top tip: Keep an eye on your ​analytics​ with the help of other social media tools.


These are a few ways businesses can use Facebook Live.

At first, it might be daunting, but the more you do it, the more you’ll want to keep doing it.

Just remember to smile and share your link to your ​Facebook group​ if you have one!


Feature Image Credit: CC 0; Public Domain. View original feature image on Flickr.com.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions stated in this post are that of the author, and Return On Now may or may not agree with any or all of the commentary.

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Claire O'Brien

Claire O'Brien is the Marketing Manager at Design Wizard. Claire has more than 10 years experience in content creation including visual content, digital marketing, email marketing, social media and advertising. She has an avid interest in all things digital and software related.

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