Google is Key For Tracking Website Visitors

How to Attract Visitors to Your Website

Search Engine Optimization or SEO has its own ways for driving traffic in the form of website visitors to a page. There are simple tactics that can make a huge difference to your position on the Search Engine Results Page – and only when applied well can a site assure a free and constant flow of website visitors.

Obviously, if your page isn’t getting the requisite amount of traffic, you cannot generate enough enthusiasm in your virtual world to generate a large amount of sales.

  • So, within the capacity that you have, how will you be able to solve this issue?
  • How are you going to generate enough attention and enough leads to get cheap and instant traffic?
  • How can you ensure that every element of web development is optimized well enough to translate into maximum traffic?
  • What are the secret ingredients necessary to cook up the best recipe?
  • What advertising or marketing campaign can you develop to attract visitors to your site?

Oh, so many questions! Well, if you are in need of a few ideas – let me draw up a basic list for you to follow.

How to Attract Visitors to Your Website

First Things First: – Make Sure Your Content Is Top Notch

Quality content trumps it all. Articles or posts on your site should be timely and relevant, often on trending topics such as technology, SEO, travel, and food.

Most of these topics have a universal appeal, but you can always come up with your unique themes and write about them to gather more interest in your website.

Always begin with a catchy headline – it can be in the form of a question, an exclamation, or something controversial. Put your words in an enticing format and allow the tone to be conversational and friendly.

You can fill the website with interesting interviews, guest posts, works borrowed from editorials, newspaper columns (from print or digital), relevant reviews, and evidence-based writings – basically build up whatever you are passionate about into something interesting.

Never forget to add images with good alt-tags to generate visual interest. Ultimately, do not forget to pour your heart out.

All of your promotional efforts will be for naught if your content falls short. Only the most fragrant scent will lead users from a search engine to your website.

Articles can be a brilliant way to put yourself out there. Be unique and stand out!

Engage Your Audience With Enticing Visual Content

Consider this: A bored netizen sits down after a day’s hard work and surfs the internet.

He doesn’t have much energy for reading huge articles.

But he suddenly comes across something and stops for a while. That ‘something’ is very likely to be an image or a video.

How-to guides, graphical representations (e.g. infographics), screenshots, colorful advertisements – these are all instances of multimedia content that appeal to basic human senses.

It is a proven fact that images added to a tweet can increase chances of a retweet by 33%.

Sometimes bloggers also use slideshows to form a concise set of images that can give you a quick look-through along the site.

Thus, multimedia content is a must. Relevant images grab attention and can go a long way in getting more visitors to your website.

Optimize Your Website for Search Engines (i.e. SEO)

SEO isn’t obsolete – you should be clear on this. Moreover, Google is still the boss that rules in the virtual world.

Make use of organic SEO practices to be sure that Google notices you; SEO tools are the way to go with this tip.

If you want the search engine spiders to crawl your website to log your links and keywords, make sure you use tools such as Google Analytics, Google Webmaster Tools (now called Google Search Console), SEO Power Suite, etc.

These tools provide basic insights for measuring traffic, visitor demographics, and a range of other data points that can help you avoid and/or fix problems on the website.

Remember this – the fine folks at Google won’t care about your website if you don’t put in some effort to get their attention!

Start Pursuing Links and Social Shares

What do web users visit the most? Social media websites, right? That is where you begin building links to attract visitors to your site.

Here are a few things you should keep in mind:

  • Use social media to share your content. Facebook and Twitter are your go-to websites – they can give you the most exposure in the virtual world. Share your articles on your social media profiles, and also add links to your social media page through icons on your site. While many companies struggle to measure the true impact of social, it can without a doubt drive a great deal of traffic for you.
  • Get users to subscribe to your content. When website visitors subscribe to your content, you immediately get hold of their mail addresses. Then you can use those email addresses to send out updates about your website and promotional offers.
  • Try and gather business links from reputable websites in your niche, or directories that search engines favor. A good initial step to attract website visitors would be the Better Business Bureau.

Better Business Bureau Logo

Coverage in a magazine, a newspaper, or an industry website can also help a great deal. You can pursue these links by way of public relations / press releases and outreach to pitch guest posts.

Engage Visitors to Your Website

Foster a sense of a community on your website via frequent interactions visitors. Operate with a positive attitude that encourages users to come up with interesting reviews and opinions. Be transparent, even if it means you have to also be open to criticism.

The best way to do so is through a comments platform where you can engage with them in discussions and tête-à-têtes. Keep updating them through immediate replies and constant updates or publications of articles. In that way, you can do away with the communication gap.

We hope that we have been able to give you a brief idea on how to attract visitors to your website. Now develop strategies by yourself. You will find yourself becoming a magnet in a few days’ time!

Images provided courtesy of Eve Haugen.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions stated in this post are that of the author, and Return On Now may or may not agree with any or all of the commentary.

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Eve Haugen

Eve Haugen has been a freelance writer for a long while. Her passion in writing is her main drive in crafting articles that are engaging, informative, and meaningful. Her partnership with QuickSEOResults has given her a whole new opportunity to take writing to a new level.
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