How to Create Content That Ranks Well

I recently came across the following video, featuring Alexi Douvas, a member of the Google Search Quality Team. He reminds us that Google is primarily interested in serving up the most relevant results. With as much hoopla we hear surrounding the constant updates and changes to the Google algorithm, they are staying true to this mission statement.

A couple of key points that stand out:

  1. Google officially accepts a blog as a good source or reputable fresh content – if you have been waiting to start blogging, there’s no reason to do so any more. Find the time.
  2. Answer the questions that a user or potential customer would want to know about you, and you will rank better.
  3. Write for users, not search engines.

They’ve been repeating #3 above for some time now, and the recent updates really do support the notion.

Give a look to the video below and let me know what you think.

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As Founder and President of Return On Now, Tommy Landry provides the vision behind our SEO and SEM methodologies. With over 25 years of business experience and a deep understanding of modern internet marketing techniques, he spends his time providing hands-on consulting, insightful content, and engaging public speaking appearances to Online Marketers of all skill levels.
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