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What a month March has been. Google pre-announced some massive changes to come to backlinks for their algorithm, SXSW has come and gone, and I’ve had quite a few distractions on the personal front.

I plan to do a whole summary of the upcoming Google algorithm changes later, but for now, let’s see what else has caught my eye this month.

7 Facts Extroverts Should Know about Introverts in Business (Link no longer available, summary below)

Being an introvert doesn’t mean you’re just socially inept or shy. It’s a whole different way of generating internal energy and thinking. If the above is a must read for bloggers, this is a must read for everyone.

If you’re an extrovert, it helps you understand why everyone else doesn’t get their energy from interactions with you and others. If you’re an introvert, it affirms that there’s nothing wrong with you for being different in a society that rewards extroverted behavior. Seriously, take a moment to read and understand this and it will only help, no matter whom you are.

Extreme Homepage Makeover: How to Increase Your Conversion Rate 106%

Hubspot reviews how to massively improve conversion rate from the home page, with a nice list of the key variables they manipulated to make it happen. Good stuff.

17 Foolish Mistakes to Avoid as a Guest Blogger

Guest blogging is one of the best ways to build your name and reputation, network, and get backlink love for your own blog or website. But you can really mess it up if you don’t stop to think about your approach first. This covers the main areas that tend to happen with overall strategy, pitching your guest posts, and writing the content itself.

Google Analytics Social Reports Coming Soon

Google keeps beefing up the data available in some areas, just as they are removing some visibility to keyword-level data. They’re clearly pushing social over the traditional SEO practices. This gives you an idea of where their thought process is heading in the early going.

What Marketers Should and Shouldn’t Tweet

Hubspot shares some insightful research that advises the right ways to use Twitter, and what to avoid. If you’ve been struggling to get followers and build a network on there, this might help you understand why.

Link Karma: How Linking to Others Can Get You Lots of Links in Return

You hear the themes about “pay it forward” in social media all the time. Here’s one way to use social networking for search engine optimization link love. I, personally, found this to be a great post.


That’s it for March folks. If you see anything I missed this month that was ground breaking for you, share below so all can read it too!

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With over 20 years of business experience, I bring deep marketing expertise across digital platforms and diverse industries, from startups to large enterprises. As a marketing and AI strategist, I focus on applying the HAIF (Human-AI Framework) Model to achieve business process efficiency and transformative growth. My passion lies in helping businesses combine cutting-edge AI with the human touch to deliver strategies that drive meaningful results.
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