Add Relevant Keywords: U-Shape Pregnancy Pillow Example

How to Write SEO-Friendly Product Descriptions for eCommerce

With the internet’s increasing growth in share of overall commerce, online shopping is taking over. It is estimated that the number of global digital buyers will reach 2.14 billion in 2021.

An impressive number, right? That’s why new e-commerce stores are popping up every single day. For an existing e-commerce business  owner, that means that it is time to step up the game.

So, do you wish to make your products more discoverable? Do you want to engage and convert consumers with impactful product descriptions? Then, you need to start writing SEO-friendly product descriptions.

SEO-Friendly Product Descriptions Can Be A Game-Changer

Why? Because they can:

  • Get your products at the top of search results
  • Increase your organic traffic
  • Improve your descriptions’ readability
  • Decrease the bounce rate
  • Increase your sales rate

To reap all of these benefits, you’ll want to ensure that both search engines and consumers recognize the value of your products. If you turn to the following tips, you’ll be creating SEO-friendly product descriptions in no time.

Important Tips for SEO-Friendly Product Descriptions

If you get overwhelmed at the idea of figuring all of this out, don’t despair. You only need to learn five important strategies to get your “descriptions game” in order.

Add Relevant Keywords Strategically

If you’re talking about SEO, the first place to focus is on keywords. For that reason, we need to clarify the dos and don’ts of optimizing descriptions with keywords.

The first common mistake is to think that you should just throw in trending keywords, and you’ll be done. That’s not the case. If you want keywords to bring you traffic, you must add relevant keywords.

For long-tail keywords, the main criteria should be the audience’s search intent. Assess keyword relevance based on how your target audience conducts the search. For example, “Ask the Public” can show you the most commonly asked questions in your niche.

If you do some research on your audience, you’ll be able to find out how they write and form their inquiries.

You can also simply enter the type of product you sell on Google and watch as the most common entries reveal themselves. This will show you how most searchers phrases their searches.

Add Relevant Keywords using Google Autosuggest on the SERPs

The next essential keyword tip is to add keywords naturally. They mustn’t ruin the description’s flow.

To disperse them evenly, add one keyword in the title and two-to-three keywords in the description. For example:

Add Relevant Keywords: U-Shape Pregnancy Pillow Example

Highlight the Benefits

Put yourself in the customer’s shoes for a second. What do customers want to know? Their main concern is how the product will benefit them.

People search for comfortable shoes when they want comfort. And they search for durable shoes when they don’t want to buy another pair in a few weeks or months.

If you can satisfy their curiosity about the benefits you offer, you very well may find your product pages at the top of search results.

Take a look at how the NEMO store on Amazon does it:

Highlight Key Benefits: Nemo Dragonfly Tent Example

When you read that this tent is “THE ADVENTURER’S DREAM,” it must tickle your imagination. You simply want to know what makes it so ideal for adventurers.

Always keep in mind that search engine crawlers will favor descriptions which resonate with the search engine’s audience. General descriptions won’t be as interesting to buyers, thus, search engines are likely to rank them below those with better descriptions.

Put Emphasis on the Key Features

Many consumers initially just skim the description. If they don’t like what they see, they move on. To grab their attention, you need to cleverly present the features.

First of all, aim to make the features skimmable by using bullet points. Lists make the text more organized and digestible.

Second, you want to highlight the key features. What makes your product unique? What’s the product’s best feature?

Place the key features at the top of the list. Consumers will read those first, so you want to give them a good reason to keep reading.

Also, if you need to elaborate on a feature, you can emphasize the most important words with caps lock. Here’s an example:

Emphasize Key Features: IronFlask Example

Image Source

Without the capitalized words, this product description look like a block of text. Blocks of text are much harder to skim than bullet points and text with emphasized words and phrases.

Make Your Brand Voice Stand Out

Your brand voice is already tailored to your target audience personas. Now, use that unique voice to make your product description noticeable.

Did you know that search engines value originality? If you write a typical generic description, you’ll lose the search engine crawler’s interest. Not to mention that you’ll leave the consumers indifferent.

You can even come up with clever product titles. With a sticky header, the title will be noticeable and can give your description a unique flair.

Wrap up your SEO techniques in originally written descriptions. Just take the master of impressionable brand voice, The Dollar Shave Club, as an example:

Make Your Brand Voice Stand Out: Dollar Shave Club example

Image Source

They included keywords, listed the features, stated the benefits – and they did it uniquely.

Adopt the KISS Principle

How familiar are you with the KISS (Keep It Super Simple) principle? The KISS principle is often applied in copywriting. If you target a wide audience, simplicity is the path you should take.

KISS Concept - Keep It Super Simple Stupid

People don’t want complex wording or lengthy text when they browse for products. They want product descriptions to deliver crucial information in as few words as possible.

If you aren’t concise enough to accomplish this, you can always hire someone to help you. An affordable option is to turn to an outside copywriting service to edit and simplify your writing.

Remember that consumer search queries are simple, and their attention spans are short. KISS will help you shape your descriptions to respond to these criteria.

Let the following tips guide you in your KISS journey:

  • Write in plain language
  • Use simple words
  • Avoid slang or technical terms
  • Explain complex terms plainly
  • Write in short sentences

Final Thoughts: SEO-Friendly Product Descriptions Matter

There is no getting around writing SEO-friendly product descriptions. It is a crucial step in your e-commerce marketing strategy.

If you want to improve your business, optimization is a must. So, instead of waiting for a miracle to upscale your business, take the matter into your own hands. Use these tips and start writing engaging and SEO-friendly product descriptions today.

Feature Image provided by the author under his or her own license.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions stated in this post are that of the author, and Return On Now may or may not agree with any or all of the commentary.

This guest post brought to you courtesy of Return On NowProfessional Austin SEO and PPC Services Company.

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Jessica Fender

Copywriter and Blogger at GetGoodGrade
Jessica Fender is a copywriter and blogger at GetGoodGrade with a background in marketing and sales. She enjoys sharing her experience with like-minded professionals who aim to provide customers with high-quality services.

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