3 strategies SEO Organic Ranking

3 SEO Tips To Increase Your Organic Rankings Quickly

Regardless of business size or industry, most companies expect to take advantage of opportunities as they present themselves.

Businesses of all sizes hope to use these opportunities to increase turnover, and by extension, profits. This is without a doubt the raison d’etre for most businesses. Any legal, sanctioned way of going about this process is typically welcomed.

Enter the internet, a.k.a. the World Wide Web or WWW. The Internet is the set of connected computers throughout the world which are able to communicate seamlessly.

The complex nature of the internet poses numerous challenges to your marketing team. Why so you ask? It’s because you now have to compete not on a local scale, but also on a global (universal) scale.

Scale Globally With Good SEO

Here is a case in point, say you are selling hosting services online to website owners, and you are based out of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Your physical location of Minneapolis has no impact on the quality (and price) of services that you offer.

It doesn’t matter if you’re selling to your next-door neighbor or someone in Samoa or Papua New Guinea, three quarters of a world away.

This means that you are a global player in the hosting industry and not merely targeting the good folks in MN, USA.

Since customers will sign up for your service the exact same way (save for localization) – the payment gateway is the same, credit card or PayPal – you are already operating on scale.

This means that you are already a global player whether you realize it or not.

Top The SERPs

Your shop is located online. For you to convert (make the client perform the desired action, e.g. sign up for your service, buy your goods or services), you must have an SEO strategy that will lure the right people for your keywords and topic areas to your conversion process.

Ideally, your website should appear at the top of the appropriate Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) for you to maximize conversions and profits.

It’s paramount to get your SEO strategies right up front, to ensure you stay atop the rankings. This is very achievable; it is not rocket science.

There is a concrete “method to the madness,” and the best way to go about this is to use the services of a quality SEO provider like Return On Now or OC SEO. The following list explores viable approaches to consider if you want to increase your overall SEO performance.

3 Pronged Strategy

Use the following three focal areas to get this strategy right from the start.

Website UI and UX

This is ground zero of all your SEO efforts, and for good reason. The way your website looks and functions will determine whether your visitors will stay, and more importantly, whether they will convert (i.e. buy your products or join your list).

But be aware – 70% of your visitors will never come back to your website, unless they have compelling reasons to do so.

Luckily, this is the one aspect that is entirely and wholly in your hands as a website owner. You can influence the process in powerful ways.

UI simply means User Interface. This refers to the layout of your website’s pages.

When evaluating your own UI, ask yourself a few questions.

  • Is the font easy on the eye?
  • Are the pages free from clutter?
  • Are the images meaningful?
  • Would I feel good as a website visitor the first time I land on this website?

UX, refers to User Experience. Some questions to ask here include:

  • Can visitors complete the purchase using as few steps as possible?
  • How quickly can the visitor navigate through the site?
  • What is their overall satisfaction index?

Ultimately, for both UI and UX, make a point of ensuring that the website is appealing and fully optimized to achieve its stated purpose, be that driving leads or closing sales.


Content is king, and that is a fact. Search Engine crawlers are designed to scour the net and index content.

After indexing the content, they use proprietary statistical algorithms to rank the importance and relevance of web content according to carefully set criteria. It is this criteria which determines how you rank in the SERPs.

The number one criteria that all search bots use is to ascertain quality is uniqueness – i.e. content that has never been published anywhere else on the internet.

If Google and other search engines like your content, it will be prominently displayed on the SERPs.

The key takeaway: make sure that you are regularly posting fresh, original, engaging content on your website. It will have positive impact both with your human readers and search engine spiders.


Links are the lifeblood of the internet. Your organic performance is heavily influenced by the links within content on other websites that point to your own content.

There’s a good reason link-building is a hot topic among SEO professionals – it’s the single most important factor in getting your website ranked on the leading search engines.

It is these links that make up the internet as it exists now, and it is the very same method that Search robots use to find and index your website’s pages.

Therefore, make sure that you engage in white hat link-building as recommended by search engines.

Work hard to earn contextual links from authoritative websites that have a higher authority, as this will increase your own website’s authority.

This is the number one, most important of all the SEO metrics to command if you want to better rank your content.

Featured Image Credit: CC 0; Public Domain. View original image on Pixabay here.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions stated in this post are that of the author, and Return On Now may or may not agree with any or all of the commentary.

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Derek Iwasiuk

Derek Iwasiuk runs a national digital search engine optimization firm headquartered in Minneapolis. He also spends a lot of his free time educating the minds of thousands of young SEO's and top agencies. To gain from his in-depth SEO experience, you can check out his articles at Engage the Crowd. You can also follow him on twitter @Diwasiuk
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