Thanksgiving Moment of Zen

When I first started Return on Now a few years ago, I took a very different approach to generating blog topics. Although I considered potential SEO and Social Media benefits of different topics, and how it would be distributed, that was a minor check point in the content creation process.

Now, I take a more scientific approach to it overall. Yes, I do look at trends, search volumes, and the demographics of my social graph. But those factors are insufficient if taken in isolation. The tone and approach are always geared toward real people, like you.

Giving Appreciation

Today, I want to step completely away from the scientific angle and just write about something that we should all keep in mind this week. With the Thanksgiving holiday upon us, it just seems appropriate to take time to appreciate all of the good things that life and business have graced me with.

First, some background…

As a kid, I was quite the introvert. I remember going to middle school parties and being too shy to talk much, watching the other kids run around and laugh as I struggled to cook up interesting topics of conversation.

That trickled on into the early college years. By that point, I had taken up music performance and was putting most of my energy into my art. It was useful, because not only did it allow me a creative outlet, but it also forced me to face my shyness head on. Overcoming stage fright was difficult and rewarding, and I’m darn glad I manage to tackle it.

An Epiphany

About a decade ago, I came to the realization that the adage “no man is an island” was absolutely true. I had allowed myself to be a bit lazy with networking because it was too daunting. It was “easier” to lay low.

My peers and mentors had been advising me to get out and network for years. But it took me venturing out to help my wife build up her business to officially get what they were telling me.

Since that day, I have been a fierce networker via any means possible. It started offline, but quickly began to flow over to social networks and blogging.

My Message to You

In the past 8-10 years, I have met a lot of fascinating people. You are not only colleagues, but friends. Many of you have referred me to others with whom I could network or provide services, in true pay it forward fashion.

To everyone in my network, everyone who has made a referral for me or to me, and everyone who spends their limited and valuable time with me in any capacity, I salute you. Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Moment of Zen: Thank You!

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With over 20 years of business experience, I bring deep marketing expertise across digital platforms and diverse industries, from startups to large enterprises. As a marketing and AI strategist, I focus on applying the HAIF (Human-AI Framework) Model to achieve business process efficiency and transformative growth. My passion lies in helping businesses combine cutting-edge AI with the human touch to deliver strategies that drive meaningful results.
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