Advanced SEO Tactics: You will need a Link building plan to succeed at Off Page SEO

Link Building Tactics to Embrace and Avoid In 2017

Anyone who has ventured into the SEO world probably knows about link building. It is one of the most crucial aspects when it comes to search engine rankings. Chiefly, it aims at getting inbound links to your site.

In the past, people have tried dubious means of finding their way through this important search engine ranking factor.

However, recent Google Algorithm Updates like Penguin have made it tricky for such methods to sail through.

To make the most out of link building, it pays to adopt the right practices while shying away from the poor link building strategies.

That brings us home; which are some of those link-building strategies that one should embrace or avoid in 2017?

2017: Good Link Building Tactics

Go for Great Content

Using optimized anchor texts is one of the most common ways of link building in the 21st Century. However, it will only work when those links are embedded in quality content.

Bottom line: People will only link to captivating content. That gives you every reason to take critical thought before composing and pitching content and links.

  • What are the latest trends in your industry?
  • Which are some of the most captivating topics in your niche?

Such questions can guide you in writing content that will capture the attention of your audience, who may possibly opt to link back.

Embrace Infographic Sharing

The popularity of infographics is increasing at an alarming speed. Even more importantly, infographics rank among the highest shared content items.

The interesting and visually captivating nature of infographics make them great tools for initiating and encouraging healthy discussions on social media and forums sites.

To make the most out of this, incorporate embed codes at the bottom to enable easy addition/linking of your infographics on other websites. In this way, you can ensure that it will link back to your site.

Request Links Only from Select Websites

Links are a great way of enhancing your SEO campaigns, but not all links are healthy for your website.

To get the most out of link building, only request links from carefully selected websites.

Your energy for link building should be directed to high-ranking websites that are within your niche.

To gain the most out of this link building activity, always make it a point to check the website’s domain authority in advance.

Requesting links doesn’t have to be a complicated process. You can opt to mail the webmaster of the high-ranking website of your choice.

Conducting a quick webmaster search can help you find the right email addresses fairly easily.

In the emails, you need to indicate clearly why the corresponding website should consider linking to you, including where to link and why.

Always include the exact URL and anchor texts you’re asking them to post to their own website. While doing this, remember to request links from authoritative and relevant websites.

Effective Content Marketing

Most people would see this as the normal guest blogging. There lies a sharp difference.

Unlike the common guest blogging, content marketing is only possible when you have a pile of great content.

You can benefit from this endeavour by distributing quality content to various publication sites. It is a great, easy, and effective way of earning quality, authoritative links.

Always start by checking out the website publication guidelines before sending your article. These might include the word limits, article tone, and possible topics of coverage.

For most high-flying publication sites, the rules are stringent to ensure a minimum quality level on all content. Familiarize yourself with the policies, so you will be better positioned to attract authoritative links.

No-Go Zones for Link Building

There are common link building practices that can thwart your web dominance mission. Such strategies include:

Purchasing Links

White hat SEO techniques have always provided viable long-term results. Going for paid links has never been part of white hat SEO, and it will never be.

With the most recent algorithm updates, Google has stepped up its game in unraveling low-quality links.

If you buy links anyway, you should expect that it will have a negative impact on your SEO campaigns when detected. That gives you every possible reason to restrain from it.

Distribution to Low-Quality Press Release Sites

Occasional distribution of content to press release sites is not a bad idea. However, Google’s Penguin Algorithm devalues distribution of content to free press release websites.

You should never count on such strategies to boost your SEO ranking. Submission strategies can only be effective when linked with authoritative press release partners.

Random Link Exchanges

This involves random trades of links between two websites without a good reason to do so.

Unless you are certain of the performance of the company you are exchanging links with, it would be advisable to avoid such strategies.

Before facilitating any link exchange, be sure to check the domain authority of the other party.

Also try to pick sites that are relevant to your own niche, to ensure it appears as natural as possible to Google.

If you are uncertain of either of these subjects, simply avoid linking with them altogether to play it safe.

Link Pyramids

The Link Pyramid is yet another link-building strategy that you should avoid like plague. Link pyramid strategies are regarded as spam and Google has vastly improved its ability to deal with them.

The latest algorithm updates have been aimed at promoting quality links and sabotaging artificial means of passing page rank.

Link wheels and many levels of tiered low quality links pointing at the “Money page” are other spammy strategies included in this category.

Time to Implement

Link building plays a critical role in enhancing your SEO efforts. However, it will only prove beneficial when carried out the right way.

The only sure way of winning the web dominance race is adopting effective link building strategies like ensuring great content, requesting links from authoritative sites and infographic sharing, among other white hat SEO techniques.

At the same time, you should distance yourself from poor link building strategies like link pyramids, random link exchanges, buying links, and distributing content to low ranking press release sites.

Featured Image Credit: CC 0; Public Domain. View original image on SEOSocialGeek.com.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions stated in this post are that of the author, and Return On Now may or may not agree with any or all of the commentary.

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Derek Iwasiuk

Derek Iwasiuk runs a national digital search engine optimization firm headquartered in Minneapolis. He also spends a lot of his free time educating the minds of thousands of young SEO's and top agencies. To gain from his in-depth SEO experience, you can check out his articles at Engage the Crowd. You can also follow him on twitter @Diwasiuk
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